What is Kambo ?

Kambo is a powerful detoxification practice originally used by ancient Amazonian tribes. It involves the secretion of the giant tree frog, Phyllomedusa Bicolor, which inhabits the upper regions of the Amazon rainforest. 

about Kambo

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What is used for ?

The use of Kambo varies among tribes. They believe that Kambo enhances speed and energy during hunts, and that it makes the hunter invisible by temporarily neutralizing their human scent.
It is also used in many ways for medical purposes, including treating malaria, snake bites, fever, infections, fertility issues, and to cleanse, detoxify, and strengthen the mind and body, increase energy and endurance, and reduce pain.

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treatment process

Kambo is not psychoactive !

The Kambo is applied to points burned with a hot stick to remove a thin layer of epidermis. The Kambo is then mixed with water, shaped into small balls, and placed on these points. The number of points varies for each person, and I will decide the appropriate number during the ceremony.

What does science say ?

Outside of the forest, Kambo has been the subject of nearly three decades of medical research. Much like snake and scorpion venoms, researchers believe Kambo will open a new world of treatments. Their work is focused on attempting to identify, isolate, and replicate the incredible and unique chemical cocktail that is Kambo.

It contains dozens of peptides (short chains of amino acids), some of which are bioactive, meaning they have an affinity and selectivity to bind to receptor sites inhumans (a receptor is like a lock that, when opened with the right key – the bioactive peptide – triggers specific chemical reactions in the body). The families of peptidespresent in Kambo include bradykinins (phyllokinine), tachykinins (phyllomedusin), caerulein, sauvagine, tryptophyllines, dermorphines, deltorphins, and bombesins.

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My name is Louise Brault, I was born in Madrid and raised in Brittany. As an adult, it took me a few years to recognise my unique role in society and allow myself the time to train and work on my gift so that I could publicly acknowledge my teachings and how I aim to be of benefit to all.
As a facilitator in subtle energy and shamanism, my work is ultimately inspired by my passion and personal experience…

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treatment rates

Ceremonies take place in Cascais, Portugal. I also offer the option to travel to your location, wherever you are.



(recommended for first-timers)

(2 or 3 people): You will receive personalized support tailored to your specific needs and intentions, while benefiting from the collective energy of the group, which enhances the power and support needed to fully explore the benefits of Kambo.

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(recommended for first-timers)

This option provides fully customized support in an intimate and dedicated setting, allowing you to take time to deeply explore your personal journey and experience Kambo with full awareness, maximizing its benefits. Note that a session lasts between 3 and 4 hours.

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(recommended for additional sessions)

(2 or 3 people): You will receive personalized support tailored to your specific needs and intentions, while benefiting from the collective energy of the group, which enhances the power and support needed to fully explore the benefits of Kambo.

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(recommended for additional sessions)

This option provides fully customized support in an intimate and dedicated setting, allowing you to take time to deeply explore your personal journey and experience Kambo with full awareness, maximizing its benefits. Note that a session lasts between 3 and 4 hours.

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If you would like to discuss a payment plan, do not hesitate to contact me.