Outside of the forest, Kambo has been the subject of nearly three decades of medical research. Much like snake and scorpion venoms, researchers believe Kambo will open a new world of treatments. Their work is focused on attempting to identify, isolate, and replicate the incredible and unique chemical cocktail that is Kambo.
It contains dozens of peptides (short chains of amino acids), some of which are bioactive, meaning they have an affinity and selectivity to bind to receptor sites inhumans (a receptor is like a lock that, when opened with the right key – the bioactive peptide – triggers specific chemical reactions in the body). The families of peptidespresent in Kambo include bradykinins (phyllokinine), tachykinins (phyllomedusin), caerulein, sauvagine, tryptophyllines, dermorphines, deltorphins, and bombesins.